March 13, 2014

Alchemical Emblems Alchemical Tree


Looking at the picture note the peacock and its tail, I have used this bird myself all throughout my documents to explain the shape of the projected light wave that is projected up from the earths surface, that if there are clouds over head then it will strike the clouds underneath and reveal the actual light in its seven harmonic speeds, note, the first color being the color closest to the ground being the fastest speed and as it projects further up the colors slow in harmonic speed changing there color to the next respective color for the next slower speed  the higher they go 

So this then leaves you in no doubts, scientific or otherwise as to which direction the light is coming from as its coming from below, the ground or the earths surface and going up through the underside of the clouds, and what is not understood is that these light projections are also taking place all the time, but we never get to see them unless there is cloud for this light to strike upon and then show your the ROYGIBIV the Rainbow!, the rainbow you see, in ancient times was known to the Mayan, Dogon and the Egyptians as the RED Rainbow, and the very same event only with out any clouds in the sky was known as the white rainbow, being its 95% invisible and very difficult to detect unless you have been taught where and what to look for, which in the alchemy is refer d to as the Red and White ROSE

Magnetic Portals   

This subject was discovered by myself in 2007 prior to this it was never understood "Not Known", to further explain the Red rainbow is not a portal as such because it is starved of pranic energy because the cloud interrupts its passage to the ionosphere so its really a negative bow, conversely the invisible one or the white one, not being stopped or obstructed by cloud mass, this sheet of light shaped like the peacocks tail or fan shape, being pulled into this thin fan shape by earths magnetic polarization,  goes up and out at light speed to infinity the ends of the fan is being pulled open like a fan by the magnetic North and south influences and its this influence that holds the light in a thin sheet of light that stretches from horizon to horizon north south, and in doing this then puts the sheet of light broadside to the rising and or setting suns

 OK so given this invisible fan, shape sheet of light is fixed on earth and is projected up out into infinity, well then you have to add earths speed of rotation so this fan of condensed light is being swept or hurled round out there in infinity at a massive speed broadside into the eastern sky where by it is meet by the oncoming sun photons coming the other way and they collide, now since I outed this discovery in 2007 NASA has published in 2013 6 years later two new discoveries, one was the discovery of Magnetic Portals projecting up from earths surface towards the sun and lots of them continuously 24/7 but only on the lite side of earth, yes well you don't get rainbows on the dark side of earth ?   only on the lite side, So is NASA trying to tell us something, well if you still have doubts the next bombshell discovery by NASA was the discovery of colidertrons or light colliding in the Van Allen belt, the ionosphere

Now in 2007 against all scientific odds and the entire scientific community who claimed on the largest scientific web site on the net that my discovery was preposterous and that I was a crackpot and mad professor for daring to discover and publish Magnetic Portals and split photonics which is what is derived from the collision within the Van Allen belt (Ionosphere) and then to top this off CERN then begins postulating they may have discovered split photonics , then the Bombshell king hit from Stanford university that they had indeed discovered the photons splitting   

So then it dose appear that while obscure and being degenerated for my discoveries and research as crackpot and mad professor, I have been totally exonerated as in fact being the worlds leading researcher in quantum Geophysics and  Quantum Atomic optics of Electromagnetichydro, that was and still is 6 years ahead of Iowa and Stanford Universities NASA and Cern hadron collidertron, and not withstanding a Nobel or Templeton prize I have big brother claiming my research and discoveries as there's  

So much for the professionalism of Doctorates Academics Phd Professors as they have showed themselves to be what they really are, and it just goes to show what you can do with the power of the media and money, and that 7 years of dogged and dedicated research that went in to actually making the original discovery, not to mention the 7 years of research since where by we still lead the world in this field, but only to be a pond of knowledge for others to plagiarize it dose appear, perhaps its got something to do with we are not a guild member of the scientific fraternity, but then you would understand that the majority of the major discoveries are not made by the fraternity or guild members, but from dedicated researchers and inventors out here in the real world where the real science is, being the observation of mother nature her self, perhaps there is a lesson to be learned by the scientific fraternity, that science doesn't begin and end with a computers and a shiny asses and that should get into the field work and redeem themselves, from the totally ridiculous position they take over the known laws of physics which we say they all have it wrong or are hiding the truth  

And for those who don't believe the Red and White rainbows are projected from the ground, then perhaps you could avail yourselves of the bulla rainbow sprinkler litmus test, that is up to full empirical standards and fully repeatable which clearly and indisputably proves all our research and discoveries are true and correct, meaning its no longer a theory its a PROVEN FACT              

 bulla, please excuse the rant over the the scientific fraternities ineptness as I find there behavior some what intolerable, and it leaves a very bad taste in ones mouth, and I get a little bit pissed off you could say, at whats taking place, as we  see that this knowledge has the capacity to move us as a civilization forward which is the only concellation we really care about, which is why we publish all our data free to the worlds domain, and regardless of the plagiarizers who dearly want to capitalize on what we publish, such is the backwards way we must try to move forwards, sometimes I see it all as a total no brainier, however we are truth seekers and I end with this

Quote > 

          "In times of universal deceit
            Telling the truth is a
            Revolutionary, ACT"

                                                         (George Orwell)




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